Taryn Wright drags up the past

Taryn Wright posted this today, in which she drags up the past and rehashes how proud she is to have been duped by someone who ended up in jail, as if she somehow had something to do with getting a child molester off the streets. Taryn: You had nothing to do with Carissa Hads going to jail, OK? She went to jail because THE POLICE tracked her down after she broke laws that had nothing to do with faking cancer online. None of that had anything to do with you or your ‘team’, so let’s just get that straight, mmkay?. The police do REAL investigations and detective work. You’re just stalking people for fun.

Taryn keeps saying she’s not trying to hurt people, she just wants them to stop lying. OK, fine. Then why dig up more dirt on someone you’ve ALREADY attacked – and in this case someone who is IN JAIL? That person won’t be creating any fake identities online for the next 7 years, so what are you trying to prevent by digging up more dirt on her? All the pages in question have already been taken down, so why even bring it up? It’s all in the past, so why not just move on. Vendetta? That’s the only explanation I can think of.

Then Taryn goes on to dig up more dirt on Jessica Friend. Why would she do that? Again, all the pages in question have been taken down, so why dig up the past? Move on. The pattern I’m seeing here is that Taryn has trouble letting go. Someone lied to her and it made her mad, and she just can’t move past it. Taryn: move on. Get over it. I can recommend some counselling options in your local area if you need help.

Of course she ends today’s post with this, in another attempt to look shiny and virtuous:

We still haven’t heard from Jessica Friend. We’ve found some local options for counseling for her, and we’d love to pass that information on to her. Jessica, please contact us at warriorelihoax@gmail.com

Maybe you haven’t heard from Jessica because you outed the wrong person, and the real Jessica doesn’t even know yet that her name appears on your blog? Or maybe you haven’t heard from her because that’s not even a real name and you’ve been duped by yet another fake identity? Or maybe you haven’t heard from her because she doesn’t really need any counseling, she just enjoys pretending to be other people online. Or maybe you haven’t heard from her because she just hates your guts and wants nothing to do with you? With your track record of bad research based on faulty assumptions, I’m betting on option 1 or 2.

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5 Responses to Taryn Wright drags up the past

  1. SJ says:

    With your track record of bad research based on faulty assumptions…<–how about some proof to back up this claim since you're so into that? Prove one single story on that blog isn't true.

    • guiggsy says:

      Oh Shelly, it’s so cute how you jump in there and defend your pal, but you’ve completely missed the point. Here in America, the accused are innocent until proven guilty. I’m not out to prove anyone innocent and I don’t need to. The burden of proof is on Taryn Wright and the rest of the warrior eli hoax group, but no proof has been presented. Assumptions and speculation aren’t the same thing as proof, unfortunately. Anyone could have created the Jessica Friend page and put her name on it. Maybe an ex-friend, or ex-boyfriend out for revenge. Or maybe a sibling or a school rival. Or maybe Jessica Friend is just another made-up name, you really don’t know for sure, do you? There can be more than one person with the same name, and sometimes even made-up names happen to also be the names of real people. You just don’t know. A facebook page with a name on it doesn’t prove anything, it’s just speculation and assumptions.

      I could create a facebook page right now and put Shelly Jackson’s name on it. I could even add a picture of Shelly and write that I’m an office manager from Lincoln, Nebraska. What would happen if I then used that page to say terrible things using Shelly’s name? To you, that page would apparently be rock solid evidence that it was Shelly Jackson who said all those terrible things. But it wouldn’t be, would it? It would just be rock solid evidence that SOMEONE created a page and put Shelly Jackson’s name on it. That whole ‘innocent until proven guilty’ thing comes in handy when the tables are turned, doesn’t it?

  2. CW says:

    You know what’s been bothering me lately? How all of the sudden, Taryn’s friends with people she’s written about. Apparently she’s gone to “visit” these people and will be visiting more.

    What utter bullshit. I can’t believe people actually believe that shit. She writes all about them and their personal lives and suddenly they love her for it? BULLSHIT. Just another thing Taryn feels the need to say in order to make herself look “good”. Pathetic. If it were true, how come she hasn’t written about visiting them or posted pictures – anything? It’s such fucking bullshit that she’s getting away with lying.

    • Doob says:

      I know, right? I’ve not seen anything about her going to visit anyone but I do remember reading something about how she became great friends with so many of the people she posted about. I remember thinking “yeah, right” when I read it cause that doesn’t make any sense. I’d guess she doesn’t have many real life friends, and people like that sometimes confuse email contact with genuine friendship, so maybe that’s it.

  3. CW says:

    That sounds logical, but really – who knows? This woman confuses me more than anyone I’ve ever met before. It’s so strange that all of the sudden *now* – as people begin challenging the way she goes about things – she’s close friends with people she’s written about and is visiting them? No. I don’t think so. In my opinion, it’s another ploy to make herself look perfectly virtuous to the public in order to be vile behind closed doors.

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